Prescriptive Conditioning Exercises

Prescriptive Conditioning Exercises

Prescriptive Conditioning describes targeted exercises used to strengthen particular muscle groups, train specific neuromuscular pathways and enhance body awareness (proprioception).

Following a thorough assessment of your dog, Kirsti will recommend appropriate exercises to train and complete together. These exercises will be tailored specifically to your dog’s needs and the conditioning aims at that time.

Whether that is to support rehabilitation post-surgery, improve posture and proprioception for the older/arthritic dog or increase power and strength for young dogs and dogs that participate in sports and work.

A suitable progression through the exercises will also be recommended as your dog strengthens and improves.

Conditioning Your Canine, is a series of personalised, progressive conditioning exercises for your dog. Canine Rebalance will assess your dog and recommend specific exercises. This platform, in conjunction with The Foundations document, will guide you through each exercise with videos, demonstrating how to train your dog in the fundamental skills required to ensure full and safe efficacy of the programme.

Conditioning Your Canine

Remember to download the Veterinary Referral Form

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